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Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Turning a one-page sketch into a two-page layout!

Hope you've been tuning in for Sketch Week on Allison's blog. Today, she shows how to take the free download sketch for August -- a one-page sketch -- and turn it into a well-balanced two-page layout.

And Sketch Week has expanded to include inspiration from other talented scrapbookers. Click here to go to Allison's blog for details about her sketch transformation and for links to the blogs of several other talented ladies, including Lynette Jacobs, Ruth Bonser, Katrina Hunt, Andrea Friebus, Christi Arthur, and Jennifer Larson.


  1. Yippee!!! Please, please, please consider turning this concept into an entire book of sketches.

    Did I remember to say "Please"?

  2. OOH!!! I love that idea. A whole book of sketches that could be one or two pages! Love it!


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