• keeping you informed

Tuesday, August 06, 2013

Updates on SG projects...

Sketch Magic with Simple Stories book:
• This magical sketch book is headed to the printer in just a few days!
• Sample layouts in the book will show you just how versatile the Say Cheese collection is -- it's not just for Disney! We'll show that the collection also works for birthdays, parties, water fun, travel, VBS, and even sports!
• Later today, we'll announce "bundle" options which will include collection packs, the sketch books, and more. We'll be offering some compelling reasons to purchase and pre-order from SG!

New SG website:
• We're working on it, but it will still be several weeks before the new e-commerce website is up and going. Lots of fine-tuning necessary, so that we have everything right from the very beginning.
• Until then, we'll just keep adding the new collections that come in to our current site.
• With the new website, we'll be unveiling our new online customer loyalty program. We think it will be a powerful incentive for you to shop with us first!
• Also in the works in conjunction with the new website: a free monthly downloadable "sketch magazine" which will debut in January. The big picture is that the magazine will feature a different manufacturer's design team each month, and the team members' work using SG sketches as a starting point. We already have several leading companies lined up for the first few months, and you will love the inspiration you'll receive each month. Of course, we'll also be featuring Allison Davis and her sketch expertise, along with myself, and local creative gals Lindsey Amschler, Katrina Hunt, and others. I'm more excited about this magazine than with anything we've done in a long time! It's going to be fabulous...and free!


  1. Love the magazine idea! I can't wait to see it! I'm also excited to see the new sketch book - my dining room table is covered with my scrap supplies and your sketches!!

  2. Anonymous8:28 PM

    The sketch magazine sounds great. Can't wait to see check it out. Thanks for making it FREE!

  3. I can't wait for all the new changes, the new sketch magazine sounds fabulous!!


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