• keeping you informed

Monday, January 13, 2014

Announcing the first issue of Create!

Scrapbook Generation proudly announces the first issue of CREATE!

It's fabulous.
It's free.
It's 223 pages of scrapbooking inspiration.

For important contributions to this first issue:
Thanks to Fancy Pants Designs and its design team.
Thanks to the Scrapbook Generation CREATE team.
Thanks to Tammy Tutterow, Katrina Hunt, and Lindsey Amschler.
Thanks to those of you who submitted for the readers gallery.
Thanks to my wonderful family: Karin, Stacey, and Allison!

Debbie Sanders, CREATE editor

Click here to get your copy!


  1. I have just skimmed through the first issue of your magazine - all I can say is AWESOME!!!! Can't wait to spend more time looking at it more closely and reading the articles. Also now I have a desire to submit a page or two myself in the future. On first glance, my only comment would be that Canada is a big country - it would be nice for us Canadians to have a City and Province listed on our submissions, like you have a City and State listed for the American submissions. Other than that, the whole thing looks fantastic and I am wishing it was a hard copy as well. I will be searching on how to add it to my Ipad shortly. Thanks again for your excellent publication - again more inspiration for me!

  2. It's fabulous!! I love it and I can't wait to spend hours reading every detail. I do wonder how to download the sketches? The links in the magazine go to the homepage of your website. Now what?

  3. There is a download tab at the top of the website. Just click it and you'll see the link!

  4. One word ~ WOW!!! Fantastic job!

  5. How can we sign up to get thus magazine? Its awesome

  6. AMAZING, I feel honored to be a tiny part of it. Thank you for all the inspiration, and thank you for having a readers gallery!
    Thanks, Traci J.

  7. Just finished the first edition and WOW! I LOVE IT! so many great ideas and I love all the layouts based on sketches. Great job all!

  8. Thanks, everyone!

    The magazine (and all the back issues) will be available each month by going to the magazine tab at the top of our website, scrapbookgeneration.com.

    You can also "follow" the publication.

  9. I knew Stacey and Allison were sisters, I knew that Debbie was their mom but I had no idea that Karin was Debbie's sister and the girls Aunt! That's just neat that you all get to work together so closely.
    I just took a look at the first few pages and it looks awesome! I don't want to rush reading it though, I want to savor it.
    So I assume that I don't NEED to download the magazine that it will always be there to read...is that correct?
    Congratulations on your first issue!! I look forward to future months!!

  10. Oh my goodness! Having anxiously awaited the publication I am so impressed and inspired! What a wonderful kick-off with the new publication. Look forward to watching the product evolve.

  11. I have always loved your blog, your products and your service. And now you have outdone yourselves...this wonderful magazine. I've already learned something new and I'm only in about ten pages. Thank you for blessing us with your creativity!

  12. I was blown away!! You guys did an absolutely incredible job pulling this together and should be extremely proud of the results. The finished magazines has so many great ideas and is so sleek!! And it's FREE!! You guys rock!! Thank you for all your hard work! It definitely paid off!!

  13. Cathy A.8:34 PM

    That was awesome!! I just took a quick look through it but cannot wait to go back and spend time. Thank you for this publication...fantastic!!

  14. The magazine is AMAZING!! Thank you for the time and effort you put in to sharing inspiration for free. It is greatly appreciated and I will forever be loyal to your store. Thank you!!!

  15. I found this through the Counterfeit Kit Challenge Blog link today - awesome work ladies, thank you so much!

  16. Julie in Sweden3:08 PM

    Amazing. Thank you.

  17. Anonymous9:19 PM

    This is done so beautifully! Something new to look forward to each month!

  18. The magazine is awesome, however I was unable to read it on my ipad. I tried numerous ways to read it and it kept shutting down. I know this is a new venture (I'm in publishing myself) but it would be nice if it would work on down the road! Great job all!!!

  19. Nicole, I just talked to Stacey and she said it is a large file, which might hinder some people in downloading it depending on the speed of their internet connection, space available on their device, etc. -- Debbie

  20. Do I click on 'Downloads' on the menu? I get the page where all downloads are shown but where is the link to download the Magazine?

  21. I just enjoyed the magazine...very much. I love sketches and I love how they are shown in this publication. My only wish is that is would be downloadable in a pdf, so when I am not connected I can still look at this wonderful magazine. Thanks so much.

  22. CREATE is available as a PDF download. Enjoy!


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