• keeping you informed

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Renovation...back on track!

The store may be a bit of a hot mess today, but it's a happy hot mess! We've finally been able to get back to our renovation plans! A truck-load of 8-foot tall wall units from a store that recently closed in the St. Louis area was delivered late last night. Some are already in place, others will have to wait until our "labor force," AKA Stacey's hubby Jeremy, can complete the job.

The classroom windows have already been covered with displays. This was a huge wasted space! Others will go in the front of the store where the K & Company displays lined the windows, and some will go in the front corner near our wall of Thickers.

Overall, we'll gain a huge amount of display space, and be able to make some dedicated areas for both cardmaking and pocket-page scrapbooking.

It may not be pretty right now, but it's going to be gorgeous soon! More display area means more products we can bring to the Springfield area!


  1. I'd recognize those particular wall units anywhere. ;) Glad you were able to give them a good home.

  2. I suspect lots of people will recognize them! We are fortunate to have been able to be in the right place at the right time. -- Debbie


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