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Saturday, May 03, 2014

national scrapbooking day layout challenges

Heart challenge
Layout Challenge: Involves creating handmade embellishments

Hearts are such versatile embellishments. We use them on layouts about holidays (Valentine's Day, Mother's Day, Father's Day), people (sweetheart, friend, child), and events (concerts, parties, birthdays). For this challenge, use your creative talents to make one or more special heart embellishments for a one- or two-page layout. Materials you might try: felt, fabric, chipboard, corrugated cardstock, floss, twine, ribbon, bling, and more...have a heart!

• Random winner prize: assortment of heart themed products
• Selected layouts will be published in the June issue of CREATE, Scrapbook Generation's free monthly digital magazine
• Send entries to nsd2014@scrapbookgeneration.com by Saturday, May 10.

Two-page sketch challenge
Layout Challenge: Involves downloading a special (free) sketch here

Allison Davis sketches always keep the focus on your photos. Her sketches also provide exact dimensions and placements of photos and other page items. She has created an exclusive two-page sketch for SG’s National Scrapbooking Day event. For this challenge, you will download the free sketch (titled NSD challenge sketch 2014) at scrapbookgeneration.com and then create a two-page layout based on the sketch...grab your favorite papers and embellishments and get busy!

• Random winner prize: an SG sketch e-book
• Selected layouts will be published in the June issue of CREATE, Scrapbook Generation's free monthly digital magazine
• Send entries to nsd2014@scrapbookgeneration.com by Saturday, May 10.

Product and tool challenge
Layout Challenge: Involves using specific products

We all have our favorite go-to items when it’s time to create a layout. Sometimes we even get in a rut, and need a creative jolt to use products that we haven’t used for a while...or ever. For this challenge, choose at least five products AND two tools from the following lists and use them (as well as other items) to create a one- or two-page layout.

Choose five products from this list: sequins, washi tape, chipboard, misting product, paint, metal charm, baker’s twine, brads, glitter glue, enamel dots, wood veneer, jewels, bingo card, flair.

And...choose two tools from this list: stencil, border punch, regular punch, piercing/stitching template, scoring board, distressing/sanding block, eyelet setter, decorative scissors, circle cutter, template.

...Then make a creation using the five products and the two tools!

• Random winner prize: assortment of challenge products
• Selected layouts will be published in the June issue of CREATE, Scrapbook Generation's free monthly digital magazine
• Send entries to nsd2014@scrapbookgeneration.com by Saturday, May 10.

Color challenge
Layout Challenge: Involves designing with color 

Color makes life a little brighter...and it can do magical things for a scrapbook layout, too. Most of us love to mix colors and come up with unique combinations. However, it's not as common to choose a single color and work within those boundaries. For this challenge, choose one color and use different shades for a monochromatic look through papers, embellishments, or both, on a one- or two-page layout. It doesn’t matter if you make it bright or make it soft...just make it colorful!

• Random winner prize: assortment of colorful products
• Selected layouts will be published in the June issue of CREATE, Scrapbook Generation's free monthly digital magazine
• Send entries to nsd2014@scrapbookgeneration.com by Saturday, May 10.

Manufacturer challenge
Layout Challenge: Involves showcasing a favorite manufacturer

We all have a favorite manufacturer. Well, truth be told, more than one. But Simple Stories is red hot right now, and we love the relationship we have with this company through our collaboration on two sketch books! For this challenge, choose your favorite Simple Stories papers and embellishments (and other items/brands you want to add in) and create a one- or two-page layout. Break out that favorite collection you’ve been hoarding, or use a newer group...show us why you love this brand!

• Random winner prize: assortment of Simple Stories products
• Selected layouts will be published in the June issue of CREATE, Scrapbook Generation's free monthly digital magazine
• Send entries to nsd2014@scrapbookgeneration.com by Saturday, May 10.


  1. oh yeahhh the challenges are up...looking forward to getting these done...happy NSD in australia its past 1am here so time for bed...thanks again for letting me join in...have a great day...

  2. i might have to get in on this!


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