• keeping you informed

Monday, January 31, 2011

Super Sketch Club kits are on the way!
For a while I didn't think we were going to make it, but Karin and Stacey and Allison and I managed to get the hundreds and hundreds of Super Sketch Club kits off to the post office just now. One of the papers didn't arrive until 1 pm today, so it was literally a whirwind around here.

As far as the February club kits, there was just no way to get them shipped before our "significant" winter event tonight and Tuesday. Since they normally don't ship until the 3rd or 4th of the month anyway, nothing will change about their usual delivery time. We just were hoping to get them sent on their way before the winter weather.

If we do have some ice-snow-sleet later, be sure to check this blog and on Facebook to see if we are open or not before you head out to shop!


  1. Y'all are so sweet to think of our crafting needs first! Thanks for managing to get that done...it should be the least of your worries! Be safe & stay warm!

  2. Thanks, LeAnne! The storm has hit, as of this morning, and it's quite a sight! -- Debbie


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