• keeping you informed

Sunday, January 30, 2011

We're scrambling...
to get all the January Super Sketch Club kits and the five February page and card club kits ready to ship before the snow-sleet-ice-who-knows storm hits on Tuesday. We've been slowed down on the Super Sketch Club waiting on a paper shipment, but we came in Sunday afternoon to get it packed so that we can ship on Monday. Since it sounds like everyone may be in for a driving mess for a couple of days mid-week, we're also trying hard to ship out the February kits on Monday if at all possible. I'm not promising, just letting you know that we are setting that as a goal! 


  1. Anonymous8:20 PM

    After that storm finishes with you, it's hitting me in Southern Indiana. I am looking forward to getting my kits, as it takes a lot to keep my mailman from delivering!

  2. Anonymous8:18 AM

    Thank you so much for being so dedicated and making sure that the super sketch club kit is mailed in a timely manner. I always get so excited when I see the package sitting on my front porch every month!

    Will be praying for everyone's safety this week with the snow storm!

    Laura B.

  3. Shelly4:10 PM

    I can't wait to get my kit. I have last month's done and it sooooo helped me get caught up. All those Christmas photos are already scrapped. Yeah! Looking forward to the next package to keep me busy on these snow days. Thanks for your dedication.

  4. Thanks, ladies! Glad to know that you like the Super Sketch Club...we'll keep them coming! -- Debbie


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