• keeping you informed

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Fall retreats, anyone?

As most of you know, our two weekend retreats in Branson in October will be our last. We'll have room for 40 people in each weekend.

Registration starts at 10 am on Friday, June 1. If you are planning to attend, especially if you usually attend as part of a group, I would suggest figuring out which weekend your group wants, so that you can make the call that morning. In addition to our "regulars," we've had many "new" people express the desire to attend, so I'll be really surprised if the weekends don't fill quickly.

The weekend choices are October 19-21 and October 26-28. Registration requires a $50 non-refundable deposit. (In the past, we've tried to accommodate people by transferring their deposit to a future retreat if for some reason they couldn't attend. We won't be able to do that this time, so please don't register just to hold a spot "in case" you'll be able to attend. This time, non-refundable is going to mean non-refundable.)

If you register for a group, please be prepared to provide telephone numbers and email addresses for everyone in the group.


  1. I wish !!! would be a looong drive for me lol

  2. Sorry, wish you could join us! -- Debbie

  3. Anonymous9:54 AM

    Why is this the last one?

  4. These are the last retreats because we're trying to be a little kinder to ourselves. The hardest part is all the packing and moving and loading and unloading. The retreats themselves are great fun; we're just tired of being tired! -- Debbie


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