• keeping you informed

Thursday, May 17, 2012

The 'kit wall' returns!

We're been wanting to make this change for quite some time, and it's finally been accomplished. We always had a "kit wall" in our original building, but here in the new bigger space, we had just been putting the kits in a tub on a counter. Now, they finally have a home where they can be seen much better!


  1. LindZ N.4:46 PM

    are these kits on your website?

  2. Yes, all of these, and more, are at scrapbookgeneration.com! -- Debbie

  3. Is there a way we can see the kits better ? I would love to buy your kits online, but i want to take a closer look first !!!

  4. Karina, all of the kits have photos at scrapbookgeneration.com, and you can see them by going to the "page kit" page. Once there, you can click on an individual photo and it will enlarge for you. I think you should be able to see all the detail that way. -- Debbie


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