• keeping you informed

Monday, May 06, 2013

Challenge winners...

I know that many of you are probably checking here frequently to see the challenge winners. I'm sorry to say that I don't have them done yet. It's been a full day, and then I stopped long enough to go to Drew's first baseball game of the season (he got two hits!). I just got back to SG, I'm grabbing my computer, heading home, and as soon as I get there -- about 11:30, I'll work on the challenge winners (I have to organize the emails and match them up to the comments here before I do the random picks, because some people sent their entries that way.)

If you're still up after midnight, you can be the first to know! Again, my apologies for not getting them on sooner! -- Debbie


  1. Thanks for the update! I'm so glad you put family first. (:

  2. Thanks Debbie, you are awesome and its certainly going to be way before midnight in my timezone! :-) heehee

  3. RnKMom (Patricia)10:27 PM

    Oh goodness, no need to burn the midnight oil! Following all those links to find pictures, then matching up e-mails, will take ages. Get some sleep and do this tomorrow. I'm also glad you put family first!

  4. You guys are way too sweet! I think it's a scrapbooking life-style!



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