• keeping you informed

Tuesday, May 07, 2013

And the winners are...

Congratulations to the random winners of SG's first ever online challenges for NSD! Some of you didn't provide your full name, so I'm just going to put exactly what was with your entry. If you want to leave a comment on this post with your real name, I'll be happy to add it to this post.

To get the prize wagon rolling, everyone except the winners of challenges #3 and 5 (who won e-books) should send your shipping information to stacey@scrapbookgeneration.com. Winners of #3 and 5 should send an email to the same address, letting us know which two e-books you want. Karin and Stacey will make sure that you each get your set of prizes!

Challenge #1 -- Star Challenge: 44 entries
• Tam

Challenge #2 -- Project Life Challenge: 26 entries
• Stephanie Feltus

Challenge #3 -- One-Page Sketch Challenge: 53 entries
• Nicole Michelle Gray

Challenge #4 -- Journaling Challenge: 28 entries
• Ruth Bonser

Challenge #5 -- Two-Page Sketch Challenge: 42 entries
• GloAnn

Challenge #6 -- Product Challenge: 36 entries
• Kimberly Moore

Challenge #7 -- Color Challenge: 15 entries
• Tink

Challenge #8 -- Manufacturer Challenge: 37 entries
• Allie Stewart

Thanks to everyone who participated! I'm going to pour over all the entries and chose several from each category to showcase here on the blog during the month of May, so keep watching for inspiration. I've seen SO many beautiful layouts, and can't wait to share them here.

And if you didn't get the chance to work on the challenges this past weekend, there's no reason you can't do them now -- just for you. I am! I'm intrigued by the color challenge -- using ombre some way -- so I'm definitely going to try that one!


  1. woohoo!!
    Thanks Debbie and thank you for staying up so late there to tell us. I have my fingers crossed that something I entered will be on your fab blog! I love SG.

  2. What Ruth said! I'm super excited, but more than that I am touched that you stayed up so late for us!

  3. Woo hoo!!!!! Thanks - this is awesome!!!!! I see lots of names I know, too! (:

  4. I am Tam! (kaleidoscope) I checked to make sure there were no other 'Tam' entries. LOL THANK YOU, THANK YOU! So excited!! And thank yu for the inspiration.

  5. Thank you SO much! I am so excited to have won the Project Life Challenge. Oh, and I am Stephanie Feltus :)

  6. Congrats to all you lucky winners!!!!

  7. CONGRATS winners. I don't know how you all got so much done and all the while keeping the Chat Roll speeding by. Congrats and thanks for making the weekend so fun for me! Enjoy the goodies!

  8. You're very welcome. I'm a night owl anyway, so I didn't go too much past my bedtime!



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