• keeping you informed

Monday, May 13, 2013

Gentle reminder...

Like many of you, I spend way too much time on Pinterest! I see photos of lots of SG layouts, pinned from this blog, and that is fabulous!

I also see SG sketches on Pinterest. Again, it's fabulous when the pins are the free Sketch Support sketches or the free download sketches.

What isn't so great is finding SG sketches scanned, copied, or photographed directly from our copyrighted sketch books. What seems to be happening -- and I've followed many of the pins back to their original source, usually someone's blog -- is that people are doing a layout using one of the book sketches, then posting the sketch below their work. You can tell it's directly from the book because the binding even shows.

This has also happened recently on the forum of an online store -- one of our copyrighted sketches was scanned without permission and used for a challenge. Once again, you could see the book binding in the photo.

Here's the problem for us.
• Person #1 posts sketch #1 from Sketches for Scrapbooking, volume 1.
• Person #2 posts sketch #2 from Sketches for Scrapbooking, volume 1.
• Person #3 posts sketch #3 from Sketches for Scrapbooking, volume 1.
• Etc.

If you see how this could compound over time, before long every sketch we sell could potentially be online and available for free. We're flattered that the sketches are popular, but please understand that this is part of the way we make our living.

So, what we are asking is that you please abide by copyright laws and refrain from photographing, scanning, or copying sketches from any of our books, or from the individual downloadable sketches we sell, and posting them online. The only time this would be acceptable would be if you had direct permission from SG.

From the blog posts I've seen, I don't see any intent of harm. It's simply people being excited over their layouts and wanting to share this with others. I know this has been done with no malice.

However, in the future, please help us protect our work product. It isn't easy in the Internet Age, but please accept this gentle reminder about not posting copyrighted material. 

-- Debbie


  1. Hello

    I'd like to ask to make sure. I respect your preference about no posting of the copyrighted material... This is very understandable.

    Sometimes I like to post the sketch sample along with my layout in my blog even if I direct that it is from the Sketch Support or Scrapbook Generation. Is this still a no? Please let me know. Thanks


  2. Laureen, if it is a sketch from the Sketch Support site, that's fine. Those are all free sketches to be used by anyone and everyone. Posting is fine, and encouraged.

    If it is a free download sketch from scrapbookgeneration.com -- same - free sketches to be used by anyone and everyone. Posting is fine, and encouraged.

    If it is a sketch from one of the books we sell, from one of the clubs we sell, or from the single or grouped sketches we sell as downloads at scrapbookgeneration.com, then no, those sketches should not be posted in any form without direct permission from SG.

    Instead, you might post a photo of the cover of the book, or tell which volume or mention the title.

    Bottom line: free sketch, post; purchased sketch (in any of the forms listed above), don't post.

    Thanks for checking with us!

  3. I posted a sketch from a book to prove that I used it in one of your challenges on NSD. I'm so sorry. I just now went and took it off my blog, I thought we had to show it. It was your challenge, so I misunderstood the directions. I have purchased all of the books and didn't post it on Pinterest.

  4. Susan, please don't feel bad...honest mistake, and we're not concerned about anything that has gone on before this reminder.

    We're just trying to "nip it in the bud," so to speak, for the future!

    Thanks for your honesty!

  5. Very well-written Debbie. I am old-school: so 'when it doubt; check it out'.

    Pinterest can be so helpful, but also such an infringement at times.

  6. Julie in Sweden7:50 AM

    I can totally understand the "need" to protect your Products from free distribution. As you say it is how you make a living.

    So I had look around Pinterest then had alook at some of the sketches that I've recently got (both paid and freebies). I notice that on alot of pins there is NO copyright info, or even any info saying that it is a SG sketch on the actual sketch. So I look at the sketch I've paid for, on some you have "for personal use only" but on many there is nothing.

    I would strongly recommend that you include the Copyright into the sketch. I would do it in at least one "photo space" - ie instead of "photo", spell it out "photo copyright to SG. Please do not distribute this sketch."

    Having the copyright spelt out will hopefully stop some "didn't realise" distribution. And it will also give you some cover when you want to tell people who are distributing to stop.

    Good luck


  7. Thanks, Janet!

    Julie, each of the books has an inside page that spells out the copyright info. Also, unless we've missed something, each of the book sketches has the small copyright symbol on the bottom right corner (on the outside.)

    It is possible that we've missed doing that on some of the download sketches, however. And you're right -- Allison does label the free download sketches in a very visible way!

    Thanks for the taking the time to give some great advice!

  8. I have a question for you. What is your policy for using your sketches and posting the layout? I'm on a design team & love your sketches. What I'm not sure about is if it's okay if I use your sketches for my inspiration & then post my layout to the design team I'm on? I would not post the sketch I used, unless it's a free sketch but would want to give credit to using your sketch. How does that work? Is it okay to do this?

  9. Posting the layout is certainly fine, and encouraged! We love for people to use the sketches in that manner, and posting layouts (but not sketches) to both personal blogs and design team blogs is wonderful.

    Giving credit could be as simple as mentioning that the sketch came from Scrapbook Generation and linking the name to our blog or our online store. If you want to go into more detail about which book the sketch is from, or if it's a download available for purchase, that's great as well.

    If it is a free sketch, by all means post the sketch with your interpretation of it, if you want to!


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