• keeping you informed

Sunday, May 12, 2013

NSD 2013...poetically!

I wanted to share an ambitious project one of our online scrapbooking friends undertook to memorialize SG's festivities for National Scrapbooking Day. Patricia used our blog logo, and our special NSD badge, to compliment the clever poem she wrote and scrapbooked.

We're thrilled to know that our activities were so much fun and made such an impression on people, especially since this was our first effort. Thanks, Patricia, for such a glowing review of our chats and challenges, and thanks to everyone who joined us to make the weekend so much fun!

Patricia's poem...
'Twas the Day of National Scrapbooking, when all through the house
Not a creature disturbed Mom as she clicked on her mouse.
The housework was done the day before with care
In hopes that everyone would stay out of her hair.

The children were content, all happy and fed,
While visions of crafting goodness danced in her head,
So Mama with her photos all ready to scrap
Made her way over to the new Scrap ‘n’ Yap.

Clicking link by link, there arose such a clatter,
She sprang from her chair to see what was the matter.
The screen scrolled so fast, her heart went pitter-patter,
All the commotion was being caused by a chatter!

“Where am I?” she wondered, wanting to know,
And looked at the address bar on the screen below.
When what to her wondering eyes should appear
But a chatroom full of scrappers giving a cheer!

With a fast-typing chat host, so lively and quick,
Mom joined in and typed “Hello,” clickety-click.
More rapid than eagles the conversation came,
Then the chat host announced it was time for a game.

“Now, tell me what year SG was founded.”
The speed of the answers left Mom astounded!
To the top of the screen she saw a notation,
The name of this place was Scrapbook Generation.

The words on the screen so quickly did fly,
She could barely keep up as they went racing by
As up to the top of the screen they flew,
With much joking around and laughter too.

And then in a twinkling Mom heard pop-pop-pop,
She wondered if it came from an online crop.
As she scanned the screen, she traced the sound
Back to the chat lines that were flying around.

“What’s your least favorite word?” the chat host then asked.
A torrent of suggestions hit the screen fast!
“Panties” seemed to top the list of dreaded terms,
Oh dear, that question opened such a can of worms!

It led to talking about various unmentionables,
And a history of paint that was really quite questionable.
The chatting frenzy slowed slightly in this regard,
But only because the chatters were laughing so hard.

They called themselves “Peeps”, this crazy bunch
Who, in between games, talked about lunch
And breakfast and dinner, and all in between,
They were making Mom hungry, plus she needed caffeine.

The hosts were Janet, Penny, Katrina and Mari,
While the SG folks were Debbie, Karin, Stacey and Ali.
They were all working hard as wonderful teams
To give us an NSD beyond our wildest dreams.

Challenges, prizes, and giveaways galore
Plus specials going on all weekend at the store,
A coupon code was available to apply
To sketches, classes, and kits to buy.

Mom sprang to her layouts, her mojo was back!
She wanted to scrap, but it was time to hit the sack.
But I heard her exclaim as she switched off the light
Happy NSDay to all, and to all a good night!

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