• keeping you informed

Tuesday, May 07, 2013

Thanks for a fantastic weekend!

It's time for a few much-deserved thank you's.

• Janet, Penny, Mari, and Katrina: They were awesome chat hostesses! I had only done one live chat before, and hosting one yourself is very different. They were willing to give a huge chunk of their time during the weekend to help us, and I can't tell you how great they were. I know it had to be exhausting to keep up with the fast pace, and we appreciate their skills and their helpful nature. Friends for life!

• All the ladies who traveled from out-of-state to attend the weekend crop, including Janet (from Australia): I'll probably leave someone out, but I know we had guests from Minnesota, Alabama, Arkansas, Kentucky, Iowa, Ohio, Illinois, and Kansas. (And no, Janet didn't come to the states just for the crop -- she was in Seattle visiting her son and was able to jet over to Missouri at just the right time! I think we all loved listening to her Aussie voice!)

• All the local gals who attended the weekend crop! We had a great group, and I bet most of them felt quite familiar to be in our old store building.

• Nikki Sivils for generously donating gifts for the people attending the crop. She never fails to be right there with products for everyone!

• Katrina and Lindsey for doing such an awesome job with the free mini-classes and demos on Saturday. Cute projects, and people truly enjoyed learning more about misting and washi tape!

• All the people who participated in the live chats and kept them moving so quickly. It was SO much fun, and by the way, did you realize that Stacey has a hard copy of everything that was said! (May be some blackmail involved later!?)

• All the people who participated in the challenges. We had way more entries than I dreamed we would have for our first attempt at this. I'm looking forward to going through them all more closely this time around and picking several to showcase on the SG blog this month.

• All the people who shopped with us, both here in Springfield and online. To say that we are overwhelmed is an understatement. Beyond our wildest dreams. And seeing that the downloads are starting to really catch on is just where we want to be right now!

• Karin, Stacey, and Allison: They put in lots and lots of extra hours for this weekend to run smoothly. Karin and Stacey had a trying week setting up for the crop, including flooding bathrooms, wet carpet, and a delivery truck that forgot to come with a lift gate, which meant they had to carry in all 42 eight-foot tables by themselves! They were worn out! Allison was cranking out classes and kits and all the other stuff she does before one of our big events. She never fails to create something gorgeous!

So, thanks from SG for chatting, cropping, and shopping! This NSD weekend was by far our most successful, profitable, fun-filled celebration ever!

-- Debbie


  1. Ann McKuin (numberfool)1:35 PM

    No! Thank YOU! It was a fabulous crop! It was worth driving from Arkansas in the snow to get there! I'd do it again - any time!

  2. Many thanks to you too! I am lucky enough to call SG my LSS and you guys never disappoint. Thanks for all you do for us!

    I wish I would have had more time this weekend to do some of the challenges...I was lucky to get away to attend the class.

    Thanks SG!

  3. Diane2:20 PM

    We appreciate all of your hard work. You girls take good care of us. Special thanks to Stacy for taking the extra time to make sure that we got comfy chairs...my back loves you more than you could ever know.

  4. You guys all did an awesome job!! Thanks go to all of you for all the fun and inspiration!!

  5. The online challenges were a lot of fun. Thanks for the inspiration!!

  6. I would love to see more online challenges! Now that I'm settled in a new house and have my internet and cable up and running I can keep up with your blog and know ahead of time when a new series of challenges is on the way.
    You ladies are amazing. And thank you to the lady that helped me find more adhesive and paper in your store today. You ladies are always so friendly and helpful!

  7. Anonymous4:22 PM

    I love this NSD with you, thank you !

  8. It was a great crop... Thanks so much!

  9. Thanks to SG- this was without a doubt the BEST NSD weekend ever for me, and I am a 16-year scrapper. The online activities were just awesome for us that don't have the privilege to call SG our LSS. The chat was too fun and the prizes were AWAZING.

    This year will be hard to beat!
    Thanks for letting me just be a part of it. Cherrypicker (Janet)

  10. Thanks, everyone! Love to hear feedback like this!

    Steph, I'm pretty sure we're going to try to do a monthly challenge from now on. They're fun! Not sure when we'll start, but it's definitely something we want to try.


  11. Thanks to the amazing gals at SG for a fun filled NSD! I had a great time chatting and the challenges were awesome! Your hard work surely paid off, it was a great weekend!!!!

  12. I had so much fun!!!! Glad everyone had a good time! Thanks so much for having me "work" at such a fun event!!! :) Hugs, Katrina


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