• keeping you informed

Saturday, January 04, 2014

Changing dates for January Sketch Days

For a handful of reasons, we're going to skip next Saturday's regularly scheduled Sketch Day One, and delay for a week. Sketch Day One will be January 18 and Sketch Day Two will be January 25.

This change won't affect the shipping of the Super Sketch Club, just the activities here at SG.

We're trying to get Allison healthy, the website switched, and the first issue of CREATE finished. Staying snow-free a couple of days in a row wouldn't hurt either! I always hate to admit that sometimes we just can't get everything done -- but this is one of those times!



  1. Totally understandable! Does this mean we won't see one of you in St. Louis?

  2. I'm sure it's best for everyone, esp Allison. We all have to keep our eye on the prize!

  3. Hope Allison will be better soon !


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