• keeping you informed

Friday, January 03, 2014

Please be patient with us...

As most of you know by now, we're in the process of switching from our old website to a new custom website.

Unfortunately, this is not an instant, easy process.

• Not all products are in the new site and ready for purchase yet -- including downloads.
• The site is slow to load.
• Not all pages are complete.

Please understand that we are working as hard as we can to fix it all. Stacey has literally been working day and night to enter products. The website people are working hard to get the speed and other issues resolved.

Please understand that there will be several more days before everything is the way we want it. We appreciate your patience in getting through this time of transition.


  1. Loving the new design and I'm sure it's all going to be fabulous when the kinks get worked out. I hope Stacey gets a vacation soon.

  2. Love the new look and it is going to be ah-maze-ing when it all gets ironed out!


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