From the gang at
Scrapbook Generation (plus Stacey's husband Jeremy), a huge thanks to all of you who attended the second
Scrap-a-Palooza, held this past Saturday at Remington's! We're so fortunate to be part of such an awesome event, and we're so appreciative of your business. Like last time, we sold out the event, filling every single table available at Remington's!
Chris Louzader and the team from
Midwest Family Broadcasting did a great job of organizing and hosting and emceeing the event, and we're ready to team up again on September 12, same great event, same great place!
There are too many great comments to list here, so I've selected a few so that you can get an idea of the response to this mega-fun mega-crop for 200 wild and crazy scrapbookers!-- "This was such a fun day! Thanks for all the free classes and the wonderful products and delicious food!"
-- "This was my first time and I really enjoyed myself. You always go up and over what I expect. Thanks!"-- "Loved it! Price, location, store, chocolate fountain, great! Everyone was so nice, and I can't wait for the next one. Classes and demos were awesome."
-- "Don't change a thing. It was great fun."-- "I came from Fayetteville to this Scrap-a-Palooza and I really enjoyed the day. I saw a lot of new ideas to work on and do my pages."
-- "Loved the free class (with Allison Davis). Food was yummy. You guys are awesome. Thank you for hosting the event."-- "I've been to a lot of crops and this was by far the best one! (And not just because my papers were being sold here.) The food was great, the demos fun and informative, too! I'll be back in September."
-- "My first Scrap-a-Palooza and I WILL be back in September. Had a wonderful time!"-- "Well organized, runs smoothly. Dinner was super!"
-- "I really enjoyed the day. This was my first time. I thought the food and snacks were great and the prizes were awesome."-- "Love what you are doing! Hard to improve on a good thing."
-- "Everything was very nice. The food, shopping, and demos were great. I loved the free class. I hope to come back in the fall."-- "Everything was very enjoyable and so much fun. The food was awesome and services provided were great. Thank you very much for a fantastic day! Also thank you for the morning unloading service."
-- "Excellent. The food was fabulous. The store had an incredible selection of items. Allison's mini-classes were well done and informative. The Scrapbook Generation staff was friendly as always as were the 105.1 staff. Enjoyed it all -- see you in September."-- "Food was great! The space to crop was awesome."
-- "This was my first Palooza. I had a great time, got a lot done and learned new techniques. The mini free classes were great, too. I can't wait for the next one!"-- "My first experience! What a wonderfully good time. Food was wonderful, timing of classes and demos was perfect."
-- "It was marvelous again! I loved the free classes, overhead demos and class! The store was great! And the food was wonderful!"-- "You guys do a great job!"
-- "The store was great, the free demos were good, and the lighting/atmosphere was perfect."-- "I think the event is near perfect!"
-- "It was a great event! Thanks to Allison for bringing layouts that showed the big screen demos!"-- "Love the big-screen things. Especially love the location. Thanks for a good one!"
-- "Wonderful! Love it! Thank you so much for all the work you all put in for us!"