Are you feeling lucky? Here's a chance to win one of our "Sketches for Scrapbooking" books! Leave your comment by July 8!
"Sketches for Scrapbooking," volume four is here! Starting Wednesday, you can stop by Scrapbook Generation (or order online at scrapbookgeneration.com) to purchase your copy of the latest in our series of sketch books containing 30 two-page layouts by the talented Allison Davis and her crazy mom!
And just to make things a little more interesting, we're going to give away two copies of Sketches for Scrapbooking volume four next Wednesday, July 8. You have until then to leave a comment on this blog, telling why you like using Scrapbook Generation sketches when you scrapbook. We'll choose two winners -- one, the person who writes the most eloquent, persuasive response (the English/journalism teacher in me has to come out every once in a while!), and two, the lucky person whose name is drawn at random. (If you've already stopped by and purchased a copy, we'll just give you a gift card for the same amount as the book!)
Good luck!
First of all, I would like to add that I just recently started using the sketch books and I LOVE them!
Second, as a working mother of one busy 3 year old, I have found that the sketch books help me create the most beautiful layouts of everyday memories that are taken for granted. They have been so helpful for me when my brain is on overload and I just need a little help getting started.
Thank you!
Christina Hoffman
I love sketches. They give me inspiration and courage to get started, then I often make changes or adjustments to suit my photos, supplies, or even my mood. I enjoy scrapbooking, but a sketch will help me unlock my scrappers block.
The sketch books are the greatest invention. Please keep them coming. I have made so many albums since I have been using them. I love the fact they are black and white and 2 page layouts.
I used to get stuck on trying to match a color sample in a magazine but no longer and I have even used up a lot of my old paper as it all looks great with your sketches. Now I have a reason to buy new papers again!!!!! I am thrilled there is a volume 4 as I have worn out Book 1 and 2 -- please keep them coming.
Brenda Grob
Even though I own other sketchbooks in addition to Scrapbook Generation , “Sketches for Scrapbooking” is the one I reach for when I sit down to make a layout. The simple drawings with labeled photo sizes make it simple for me to choose a sketch that works well with the pictures I want to showcase. The key at the bottom of the sketch makes paper selection so much easier. After choosing the paper, I use the measurements on the sketch to cut the paper to the exact sizes needed. This saves me time and money because it eliminates goof-ups!
When using “Sketches for Scrapbooking”, I am always so pleased how quickly and easily my layouts come together. I also realize how versatile the sketches are, providing a well-designed foundation to which I can add my own style and creativity.
Debbi Turnbow
I LOVE these sketch books and have recommended them to all my friends!
I love how you can take ANY paper that you have and make a beautiful page. No thinking so scrapbooker's block just great pages and lots of fun!
Once upon a time there was a talented woman and her talented daughter. They could make magical scrapbook pages. The pages had vibrant colors, contained beautiful stitches and wonderful embellishments.
While the other two sisters kept the store front running, the mother and daughter created wonderful drawings. The fairy Godmother came and with the sweep of her wand turned the drawings into a book of sketches.
Now the four women were very happy to offer such a wonderful project. The people in the town and surrounding towns droves miles to get their hands on one of these magical books, “Sketches for Scrapbooking," volume four.
That is as creative as I can get….. for my chance to win the drawing, please pretend the “paper” is crumbled. I hear that crumbling the paper with your name in a drawing increases the chances of winning in a drawing.
If I am fortunate enough to win, I would like the book even though I just ordered one. I will give it to my daughter.
I love using the sketches! Most of the time I'm not all that creative on my own. These sketches help give me a jump start on my pages. That way I'm not spending hours staring at blank pages. I love the simple designs, also. They are very easy to convert to my photo sizes and shapes.
I love scrapping with sketches and I love Allison's work so I decided to try to win the sketch book.
(I'm hoping I'm the random winner because this isn't lyrical or persusive at all!!)
I'm too tired to be eloquent - I've been packing for Disney World all day - so hopefully I'll be the random winner. I've been following Allison's work in CK and on Scrapbooking Ali for about a year now. I love her style and that she uses so many photos on her layouts, and I'd love to own this book.
I had never even heard about these sketch books until now. Where have I been? I would love the opportunity to win one!
I was a dark and dreary day. The roar of thunder numbed my brain. The clouds hid the sun and dampened my creative spirit. I reached out blindly, grasping for any life-line nearby. Lo and behold, I found in my clutches Scrapbook Generation's Sketchbook. The thunder stopped. The clouds blew away revealing bright rays of sunlight. Angels began singing. My creative juices started flowing. Page after page gave birth and provided a home for my pictures and stories.
I love sketches....and can't do a layout without one!! Alison's work inspires me, I love how she gets so many photos on one layout. I'm a two-page kinda girl as well, so happy to hear that's what this book is all about!!! :)
Sketch books? Always do better with them. Thanks for the chance to win!
I love Allison's work - and although I have never used sketches, this looks like a wonderful idea for me. Thanks for the chance to win...random.:)
Linda J
Occasionaly we all sit down with those wonderful pictures of our loved ones and just draw a blank. The "Sketches for Scrapbooking" book allows even the most experienced scrapbookers to open up to new ideas. The books are a nice addition to any scrappers library.
Thank you for the opportunity to win this great book.
I love the fresh clean look I get from the sketches. They are simple yet trendy!
I love using SG sketches on those days when I just don't have my creative juices flowing. It takes the hard thinking out for me and helps me make a page that I LOVE and can show off to family and friends. I love the dimensions and paper key on the bottom. Keep 'em coming girls!
I just found this site, so I don't own any of the Sketch books, but I ALWAYS start my scrapping with a sketch, so I would LOVE to win this! I am also a huge fan of Allison Davis, so if she designed any of the sketches, that would just be icing on the cake for me! Thanks for the chance to win!
I'm in love with sketches and have been super inspired by the ones from Scrapbook Generation! I find myself using the same sketch more than once and am always thrilled with the results, that's how great these sketches are! Thank you all for the continued inspiration!
I love sketches because they help me wade through the thousands of papers I knew I couldn't live without. And put them together in a great page my otherwise tired brain wouldn't think of at 1:00 am.(The time I finally get to enter my happy place I call the Scrap Shack.) i also love sketches because they change the way I buy paper. Before I might buy a single sheet of something i liked, later nothing matched it so it never got used.(hence the thousands of papers I have stockpiled Now...when I buy a paper, I have to have a stripe, a small, large pattern, oh and don't forget the cardstock...wait a minute! Now i see your tactics for getting me to but more paper! Who am i kidding, I love it all. Keep those sketches coming!
Amy R.
would love to do some sketches from allison davis. thanks for the opportunity.
Oh my how I love sketches! I can't wait to delve into more. I sketch everything from altered art to scrapbooking to card making and paper crafts too. I collect them as well and when I get stumped, it's not to the finished work but sketches I turn!
Best of luck with your newest book!
Sketches are the books I always turn to when starting a layout - it's like the Bible of scrapbooking. My family was so amazed when I first starting using Sketches - they couldn't believe I had finished two pages so quickly and that they looked great, too! I now have all my sketches in a three hole-punched binder (and organized by number of pictures)sitting by my chair. When I'm starting a new project, I just flip through, pull out the sketch, and begin. The Sketches books have changed my old,time-consuming scrapbooking ways! Thank you, Debbie and Allison!
I love working with sketches when I'm tired and feeling stuck in a rut, they really make it easy. I would love the chance to win this book. Ilove all your layouts on your blog & in CK magazine. I scraplift yours more than anyone elses. Thanks for a chance to win.
Can't wait to see the new book! I almost always scrap from a sketch, and yours are so easy to use!!
I use the sketch books all the time and find them to be a great starting point for my pages. Even if I use the same sketch over and over again the pages are all unique because of the differences in papers and embellishments.
For me, the best part of all, is not having to think about it all that much. I just look at the key for what kind of paper I need, buy it or get from my stockpile, choose my pictures and embellishments, and have at it. I'm also finding I actually do more journaling now because it's clearly marked on the sketches.
In using other sketch books I have been MORE than FRUSTRATED by the lack of sizes for anything but the pictures. It's difficult to look at a sketch and guess what size the mats, etc. are. Thanks for making these books so user friendly. It's hard to remember what I ever did without them.
I would be lost without sketches. I love my sketchbooks and always have them with me when I go to a crop. I can use them no matter what my mood may be. Sometimes I follow them exactly as they are and other times when I feel creative I alter them a bit. I am always pleased with the outcome. Thank you for sharing your creativeness with the rest of us!
Debbie L.
Life is busy with toddlers and work -- which makes the sketchbooks an indespensible resource. I love that I can use parts of them and switch things up or even just use different papers and it's all fresh! You ladies are so talented -- thank you for continuing to share your sketches and for this awesome opportunity!
Jen Cox
No eloquent, persuasive response from me--I was a PE/Biology major! :)
Just want to say that I LOVE sketches so this book would come in quite handy for my scrapping.
Thanks for the chance to win (chance is all I've got since I'll be in the randomly-drawn pool). :P
hey yall me reckon unz gots a purty gud book.
when wes take ar dispozabl camere ta the drug store thay mail em off then on tuesdy the pitchers cums back. i pickem up n when me gets back home me scraps um.
evr cents me best frind hazel bought unz book I barry it ands me pitchers luk real purty on me paper.
now me old man sed they luk gud nuf ta take ta town.
now mes hankerin fur a book of me own. cuz there aint no how me can makes purty pages on me own now. hope unz can gimme one.
Thanks so very much for all the sweet, clever, and enthusiastic comments that have been written about the Scrapbook Generation "Sketches for Scrapbooking" books! I kind of like this whole idea of asking for praise and then basking in the glow of it! I should have started this a long time ago! We'll post the "eloquence" winner and the "random" winner on Thursday. Good luck to everyone!
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