• All six volumes of Sketches for Scrapbooking are printed and ready to go. Sketches for Cardmaking is printed and ready to go.
• The catalogs and order forms are printed.
• The booth signs are ready.
To borrow a political phrase, we're "fired up...ready to go!"
There are still last minute things we're working on. Allison is hand-stitching about a zillion signs and arrows for booth decor. Stacey and Jeremy are building bookcases and flooring. I'm putting the final touches on 100 press kits. And Karin is keeping the store going because the rest of us have been absolutely no help the past couple of weeks!
It's definitely been a group project. Now we just have to wait to see how the books are received in Chicago. Ali and Stacey and Jeremy will be representing us, and I'm glad that both Stacey and Allison have attended previous CHAs, so they have an idea of the enormity of what they're getting into. They have strict orders to send me lots of photos so that I can post them here next week.
CHA (Craft and Hobby Association) is strictly an order-taking show, and there are buyers from local scrapbooking stores, international stores, distributors, and large big box chain stores. Members of the media also attend, so it's a big deal in the world of scrapbooking and crafts.
As I've said before, wish us luck. And thanks to all our local and online customers for giving us the confidence that this is the right step at the right time.
I hope Jeremy can keep the 2 girls in line.....ha!
Good luck and I will look forward to posts on the blog from you, Debbie.
Linda from KS
I will be there!! I will be sure to stop by and say 'Hello'. I just love your sketch books and have NO doubt they will be a great success!! Good Luck!
You guys are an incredible team!
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