Sunday, August 23, 2009

Welcome to Scrapbook Generation's August blog contest! From now until midnight on Sunday, August 30, leave a comment on the following question, and you'll be entered in a random drawing to win a prize package valued at $50. We'll announce the winner on Monday, August 31.

Here's the August question...
What was the topic of the most recent page you scrapbooked, and what is your favorite thing about the page?

Updates on events...
-- We're really excited about the new Tim Holtz Techniques series of classes that Allison will be teaching. The response to the first class has been phenomenal, even before the class samples have been displayed. The classes are Sept. 1 and 3, and there will be many more to come! To sign up for the September classes, give us a call.
-- The September Super-Saver Scrapbooking sessions on Saturday, Sept. 5 (enough S's for you?) are going to be autumn-themed and awesome! We're going to be using Scenic Route papers, and I got a great deal on some fall rub-ons to use for the titles, and we're passing that deal on to you. You'll be getting a huge value for your $9! Again, call us to sign up and make three beautiful double-page layouts for only $9.
-- Monday, September 7, drop by for our Labor Day sale featuring 20% off all Scrapbook Generation page kits. The first 50 people to spend at least $25 get a $12.99 Halloween page kit featuring My Mind's Eye papers!
-- Designers Challenge Club will meet for the first time on Thursday, Sept. 17. Please sign up as quickly as possible so that I know how many people to order materials for. To read a complete description of this fun new club that will meet once a month, see the blog post on July 25.

Updates on products...
-- We're working to create a new vintage/heritage section at Scrapbook Generation. In addition to offering a complete selection of Graphic 45 papers and die-cuts, we're adding vintage papers and embellishments from Webster's Pages, embellishments from Crafty Secrets and 7Gypsies, and a huge selection of Ranger and Tim Holtz products including tools, inks, paints, and embellishments. Watch for this new area dedicated to all things vintage to be launched within the next week.
-- Many shipments will be arriving within the next three weeks, as we gear up for Scrap-a-Palooza. Watch for Crate Paper, Reminisce, SEI, Crafters Workshop, Best Creations, BasicGrey, Three Bugs in a Rug, Pink Paislee, Maya Road, Tattered Angels, KI Memories, Sassafras Lass, Cosmo Cricket, Making Memories, Nikki Sivils: Scrapbooker, and much, much more. Some things will go directly out on the floor at SG, but others will be held and will debut at Scrap-a-Palooza on Saturday, Sept. 12!


Anonymous said...

My most recent scrapbook page was a page taken at the beach this summer. I used the product Tattered Angels - Glimmer Mist to make an arrow and used it on the chipboard letters.

Linda from KS

thearthurz said...

My most recent page was the fair from last year. I loved using some basic gray papers together and just remembering what a great time we had together watching our daughter enjoy the fair.

Anonymous said...

My most recent page was done with the Jillybean soup collection. I used the tomato soup and the butterflies and titled it you make my heart flutter - everyones loves it.

Michelle Dorland

Kapoor's said...

The most recent page that I scrapbooked was of my 2 1/2 year old daughter just having a good day by playing in the sink (thinking she was washing dishes). The thing I like most about the page is it is just an every day moment.

Shirley said...

This is not a comment for the contest, but a "WOW" about the new vintage section coming to the store. That is great! Can't wait to see it all.

The Cox Family said...

The most recent page I scrapped was one of my husband and then 6 month old, now toddler, Zane sleeping. My favorite thing about this page is the journaling. This one was about our relief that the testing on Zane's kidneys was finally complete. It took me 2 years to scrapbook this and it still evokes raw emotion, but scrapping this picture and page was therapuetic. I stitched a little on the page aka Alison and the embellishments I used were simple and perfect for the topic.


Mel said...

I scrapbooked our wedding anniversary pictures from last year...I really liked using a Creative Imaginations line with lots of hearts and turned out perfectly!

Corbi said...

The last page I scrapbooked was the FABULOUS Allison's Creative Kitchen layout 'The Fourth'from her recipe card collection. I have always loved Americana and anything done in red, white and blue, but I especially loved this layout!! Then, when my first grandchild was born on July 3, it just increased the opportunity to use this combination! I especially loved the swirl of stars and using alcohol inks on the acryllic stars in the layout. I loved the combination of images cut from printed paper, chipboard, acryllic, jewels and stickles to make the swirl really interesting and eye-catching. The 'creative kitchen' idea is really cute and easy to store. I'm going to make a recipe book of the layout ideas, placing the recipe cards in plastic sleeves so you can still read the back. This sketch could easily be made in pastels and used with sleeping children photos. In addition to the stars swirl, my favorite part is the great memories the family photos bring back. I chose to make the layout an accumulation of years - I thought all the different stars leaned that way... The entire family used to gather for 'fire and stick' day, a family parade (directed by my YOUNG niece)and a great time! Photos of my father and my husband who are no longer with us leading to photos of my grandsons who were named for them make this one of my favorite layouts ever! Thanks, Scrapbook Gen and Allison for giving us this theraputic outlet!

kroller said...

The page I scrapped was a page devoted to my baby brother. It covers our relationship together and our favorite memories (good and bad)over the years. He recently moved for a job and he's really home sick and I want him to have a piece of "family" to remind him we are always closer than we seem no matter how many miles separate us. My favorite thing was taking the trip down memory lane and remembering all the laughter he brings to my life, no matter how old we are.

jane-e said...

I am creating altered books as Christmas gifts. At the moment I am working on the one for my daughter which highlights our mother-daughter vacations. My favorite thing is the binding. When I bind several pages into one I use wire and beads. I found some really cool beads that go along with the theme of our trips.

Denise said...

The last page I worked on was of my 7 month old grandson. He changes so quickly and has so many facial expressions. I used Allison's booklet idea from the blog & placed it vertical and used my new EK Success punches. My favorite thing is when all the elements & pictures come together.

Cox Family said...

The last page I created was of myself sitting on a wooden stool in front of my scrapbooking station. I was in blue jeans and barefooot. So many times the scrapbooker is never talked about or seen in the pages, because we are the ones always talking about everyone else. I talk about my appearance in my favorite clothes, my favorite place and the fact that all my little imperfections are just signs that I have lived
life to the fullest. It is a reminder to not procrastinate, live life to the fullest just like
God intended.

owensrx said...

My most recent page was my visit to see my sister and her family in Lawrence, KS. I loved scrapbooking the pictures that my niece and nephews took as we played dress up. I also loved using the pictures of me and my niece playing around in front of the Jayhawk at my sister's dental office she works for. The Basic Gray Ambrosia pages and they look amazing!!

Penny Peck said...

I am working on scrapping Christmas pictures through the years with "Twas the Night Before Christmas" theme. I have enjoyed utilizing Christmas pages from SG page kits - those page kits make me look very creative!

Scrapbook Generation said...

I'm really enjoying reading these comments! So nice to get a glimpse into what makes scrapbooking special to each of you. -- Debbie

Unknown said...

My Dad began his hospice treatments this week, so my last scrapbook page was yesterday about how cancer is so limited it cannot destroy love, shatter hope, corrode faith, or conquer the human spirit, among other things. It was a tribute to my Dad and the brave battle he's fought over the last 21 months since he began chemotherapy. I read it to my Dad last night, and now it has a couple of tear drop stains on it, but I like that.

Anonymous said...

My last page was of a Bucket list item of mine. I took a class on canning foods. My favorite thing was the title. Bucket List in a cherry patterned paper. The page was in lime greens and reds.

Catherine Chiarino said...

The last page I scrapped (by the way, it was way too long ago! Haven't scrapped in a month and can't wait for palooza!) is a picture of my boys and their cousins eating ice cream at this place in wisconsin. It was so exciting for me to take the picture because 20 years ago that was me and my cousins doing the same thing.

Angela said...

My last page was using fancy pants Kraft Kuts paper and was my oldest son's school concert. I am really getting into kraft paper. I just love the feel of it.

Anonymous said...

AS Debbie knows, I'm not a scrapbooker but a card maker. But I bought an album kit that was for travel pictures. Friday night a girlfriend and I got together to scrap. I started assembling the book with pictures from a trip to Washington DC in 1994. The most memorable page was of the pictures I took at John F. Kennedy's tomb and the horizon looking out over Washington DC. Kind of ironic that that was my last page I worked on and now Ted Kennedy has passed away. I like to ink the edges around the papers, and my girlfriend was impressed. I think it makes them "pop" on the background. Thanks for letting me share my "scrapbooking" tale.

Jackie Toebben

Anonymous said...

The last page I scrapped was a tribute page to my aunt who passed away from cancer a few years ago. I have alot of cool, fun, cooky pics of her and used a couple and then did some journaling. She was a country girl so I used more natural colors for papers.

Tacey Endsley said...

My latest scrapbook page was of my son's Space Camp adventure. It was a once in a lifetime event, and he even got to meet "Hoot" Gibson (a Space Shuttle astronaut). That picture was so special, I tried a new medium- Vinyl! It was a great new way to add texture and layers.

Anonymous said...

My 3rd child is a ham and and is always wearing sunglasses. My last layout was a "superstar" theme and showed him in his many cool shades! It also reflects what I call his "sparkling" personality!!

Carey L.

Anonymous said...

The last page I did was a photo of me and a guy from the Presley's show down in Branson. At the time of the photo I had no idea who he was, but lately he's been in a lot of their TV commercials. I think his name is Cecil. Anyway the photo was taken at an event at our church. The thing I like best about the page is that it's done and and I'm happy with it. The photo was taken over a year ago so I'm way behind in getting it done.

Robin Powell

Leslie L. said...

My last LO was of my daughter's first day of first grade. I loved the colors, red and black. My favorite part, though, was remembering that day and how excited she was to go to school.


Jill Smith said...

My most recent scrapbook page is from our wedding. I scrapbooked both of our families together on one layout. I really like this page as I used a lot of olive green ink along with a negative cutout of the word family. I'll never forget this page as when I was done I had ink all over my fingers and I abused the inkpad so much that the sponge came off of the holder. Jill Smith

debbi said...

My most recent page was a zoo layout featuring my amazing grandson. My favorite part (not counting the cute photos of my sweet grandson) was how quickly and easily it came together using Sketches for Scrapbooking! I am a very picky, slow scrapper and I am so happy with the results!

Teresa said...

My most recent page was about a 5 generation picture we took with my son, his great-great grandmother and everyone in between. It is really special to us because he is the first grandchild on this side of the family and great-great grandma turned 100 years old. Not many families have this opportunity.

Denise T. said...

My most recent page was "Who say's 4 eye's ain't cute". A super fun page featuring my daughter Haley and my friend Jamie's daughter Tayler. We were on a girls scrappy weekend to Arkansas and the girls had taken the funniest "self" pics playing with some big sunglasses with no lenses. Tooo funny! My favorite part of the layout would have to be the picture!

Jamie Barba said...

My most recent page was about me! My favorite thinga bout it was that I finally used my super cute Hello Kitty die and I used a picture taken of me just last month!!

Unknown said...

The last page I scrapped was a collage of funny faces my 2 boys were making during lunch with Gramma the day before School started. I used a page kit from last year that fit the photos perfectly! It had a quote from Dr. Seuss about being YOU. I think one of my favorite parts of the whole layout is the fact that Hunter was copying all the faces AJ made, and the shirt he was wearing in those photos says "Blame my Brother" = that coupled with the quote from Seuss really made the page!

Erica said...

The last thing I scrapped was some Christmas photos, and I loved working with the Basic Grey papers and used a little bit of Tattered Angel Glimmer mist!

mom2h said...

My son running in a circle that he runs every week when we go to music lessons. I like the stamping and rhinestone circles I added.

Donna in Louisiana said...

The topic of my most recent page was "The Patch". It's about our trip to the pumpkin patch last year. My favorite part of the layout?... All the pumpkin cutouts. I cut out about 30 pumpkins in different sizes then using watercolor pencils and a waterbrush, I painted in all the details. I then used these as embellishments on the layout. Looks fantastic!!!

Amy said...

My last scrapbook page was about my dear son and his everyday moments we share togther.
My most favorite thing about this page is just getting down on page everyday moments for him to look back on and know just how much I love him..

mlvrdh said...

The most recent page I made was one about my middle nephew and his trip to space camp this summer. I was excited to find paper that had space men, spaceships and other space stuff on it and even more excited when I used my brain to cut out some of these things to use as embellishments on the page--since I felt the page needed something but of course didn't have any "space" embellishments in the stash.

Destiny said...

My most recent page was from one of your past sketch sessions that I bought today that I was finally able to get to your store and purchase after ordering over the phone since i don't live in springfield I have been ordering them over the phone and picking them up when I get to Springfield anyways I couldn't wait to get home and use these kits (all 3)so I'm done with my first 3 double pages and ready to start on the next set.That's my favorite part that I got 3 double pages done in one day!!!! How awesome is that!!!
But another thing that I liked (it's party time kit)was because the colors and the big package on the side was purfect for my son's b-day pictures.I love the sketch sessions and super saver sessions and hope that you never quite selling these because I actually can accomplish getting my photos and memories preserved.Sorry to go off the question I just had to give you all some praise where it is deserved, Thanks Destiny

Linda T. said...

The last page I scrapbooked was of my kids with their friends at the park. My favorite thing about the page was that I was inspired to do some "fancy Alison Davis sewing" on the kite string. My second favorite thing was capturing this fleeting moment of loving swings, slides, and teeter totters in their lives. I know that soomer than I like to about, it will be cars, Ipods, and texting.

Crystal G. said...

The last page i completed was in my youngest son's basketball album. I try to do an album for each sports season (baseball, basketball, ect)...., these pics i'm just now working with are from last year, so i'm a little bit behind, but i'll get caught up someday!!! :)

Scrapbook Generation said...

Thanks for the compliments scattered throughout these contest entries! It's always nice to know that what we do helps and is worthwhile! -- Debbie

marciaScantlin said...

My latest was Viva Las Vegas, which was a collection of pictures. I loved using the Scenic Route papers that had the strips that I cut apart and could use just the right colors and arrows.